
Efficacy and Safety


Thork has an electromagnetic energy generator and a radial applicator that allows its use safely and effectively in both aesthetic therapy and rehabilitation.

The first national shock wave equipment

Pioneering Technology at National Level

Ibramed presents the electromagnetic shock wave technology, being the first Brazilian company to develop and manufacture this technology. The highest energy in the world market, Thork features the electromagnetic generator and its energy reaches up to 200mJ, being the highest in the world market.

Treatment protocols for aesthetics and rehabilitation with more than 30 pre-programmed protocols for orthopedic and muscular rehabilitation and body and facial aesthetics, all based on scientific evidence.

Multiple Sizes and Materials Tip

The equipment has 8 tips in total, 4 stainless steel and 4 plastic. Tip sizes are: 6mm, 15mm, 25mm and 34mm. The stainless steel ones, which reach deeper structures, such as adipose tissue, are indicated for: reduction of adipose tissue;

  • Decreased degrees of cellulite;
  • Body Remodeling; and
  • Rehabilitation treatments.

Plastic tips, on the other hand, aim to reach the most superficial layers such as the skin and are used for treatments of:

  • Body skin sagging; and
  • Facial Rejuvenation.


Ergonomic with high heat-free shooting capability with a variety of facial treatment tips


Exclusive Thork® Neutral Lotion

Together with the company Essencial Cosméticos®, we developed the exclusive Thork® neutral lotion, indicated for slipping the tips over the fabric, generating better results, greater practicality, economy, safety in the application and performance of the equipment.

Meet the Thork Shock Wave


  • Biomechanical therapies.
  • Myofascial trigger points.
  • Tendinous insertion disorders.
  • Activation of muscles and connective tissue.
  • Acupuncture.


  • Temporary reduction in the appearance of cellulite.
  • Temporary improvement of local blood circulation.
  • Non-invasive body contouring.

Device information


  • 01 IEC FEMALE PP CABLE – 2 X 0.75 X 1500 MM
  • 01 FUSE 20AG – 05A
Technical Characteristics

  • Power: 100/240V | 50/60Hz;
  • Energy: 60 to 200mJ;
  • Frequency: 1 to 22Hz;
  • Shots: free or from 1 to 9999;
  • Pulse mode: single or sequential;
  • Ramp Mode: On and Off;
  • Private protocols: 1 to 20;
  • Pre-programmed protocols: aesthetics (1 to 9) and physical rehabilitation (1 to 25);

Power limits by frequency:

  • From 60mJ to 90mJ: from 1 to 22Hz;
  • From 60mJ to 120mJ: from 1 to 19Hz;
  • From 60mJ to 180mJ: from 1 to 18Hz;
  • From 60mJ to 200mJ: from 1 to 16Hz.
Application Techniques

  • Examine the skin and clean the treatment area, disinfecting the skin with chlorhexidine alcohol.
  • The technique requires neutral lotion or neutral gel as a contact medium.
  • Ensure the applicator surface is in contact with the patient’s skin.
  • Check applicator contact regularly during treatment.
  • Applications can be static or dynamic with slow, linear movements, sliding the applicator horizontally and vertically.
  • After the end of the therapy, clean the treated area to remove the residues of the lotion or neutral gel used in the session.
  • Examine the skin again after treatment.
  • Remove neutral gel residue from applicator and tips.
  • Clean the applicator and tips with alcoholic chlorhexidine.


  • Temporary reduction in the appearance of cellulite.
  • Temporary improvement of local blood circulation.
  • Non-invasive body contouring.

Physical Rehabilitation

  • Biomechanical therapies.
  • Myofascial trigger points.
  • Tendinous insertion disorders.
  • Activation of muscles and connective tissue.
  • Acupuncture.

  • Pregnant women.
  • Hemophilia or other bleeding disorders.
  • Intake of anticoagulants, especially Marcoumar.
  • About tissues with acute inflammation.
  • About rashes or other tissue damage.
  • On the area of ​​polyneuropathy in patients with Diabetes Mellitus.
  • In patients undergoing cortisone therapy up to 6 months before the first extracorporeal shock wave therapy session.
  • About neoplastic areas.
  • Directly on metallic implants.
  • On occlusive vascular diseases and circulatory insufficiency, as in cases of deep vein thrombosis, phlebitis, varicose veins, arteriosclerosis obliterans, and thromboangiitis obliterans.
  • About the reproductive organs.
  • In the presence of systemic infections (sepsis, tuberculosis) or if the patient’s temperature is elevated (fever).
  • Presence of electronic device. Do not use the equipment near defibrillators and cardiac pacemakers, cochlear implants, bone growth stimulators, deep brain stimulators, spinal cord stimulators and other nerve stimulators.
  • About laminectomy or spina bifida.
  • Directly over the carotid sinuses, stellate ganglion, or vagus nerve located in the anterior triangle of the neck.
  • About the lungs region, cardiac area, great nerves and vessels, spine and head.

 Transient adverse reactions

Some transient adverse reactions may occur after extracorporeal shock wave therapy. The most common adverse reactions include:

  • Local inflammation;
  • Erythema;
  • Petechiae (red dots on the skin);
  • Ecchymosis;
  • Local discomfort and pain;
  • Skin lesions in case of previous cortisone therapy.

** Do not repeat treatment before adverse reactions have disappeared.

Technology used

The Thork Shock Wave is a device microcontrolled by extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT – Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy). The mechanical cavitational and thermal energy produced by the Thork Shock Wave is transferred to the patient through a radial shock wave applicator.

It has a maximum energy of 200mJ, and the shockwave emission mode can be single or sequential, with frequency adjustment up to 22Hz and the number of shots can be previously adjusted up to 9999 or free mode (Free).

The equipment comes with 3 projectiles, one in the applicator and 2 spares. Each projectile has a durability of 3 million shots. After 9 million, that is, after using 3 projectiles, it is necessary to send the applicator for review and maintenance.

Thork Shock Wave can be used with tips of different sizes and materials for different therapeutic applications. It features ergonomic applicator, distinctive design, touchscreen and informative tutorial. It is effective, safe, accurate and easy to operate equipment.

The equipment should only be used under the prescription and supervision of a licensed professional.

History and applicability of shock waves

ESWT (extracorporeal shock wave therapy) began to be used in the early 1980s, in extracorporeal lithotripsy, a medical technique that aims to treat gallstones, kidney and gallbladder. After the observation of the increase in bone density in the pelvis of patients treated with ESWT for kidney stones and, also, studies demonstrating the effectiveness of the therapy in osteogenesis and in the treatment of musculoskeletal diseases, ESWT started to be used also in orthopedics, with the first approval in the year 2000 for the treatment of chronic plantar fasciitis by the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) in the United States of America. Today, ESWT is consolidated in orthopedics, with satisfactory results in several musculoskeletal pathologies, being indicated as a safe therapy, with short recovery time and minimal complications.

As in orthopedics, the discovery of the effects of shock waves on aesthetics came about coincidentally when women with muscle disorders, after the placement of hip prostheses, reported improvement in mobility and pain, in the appearance of the skin and an additional effect that clothes became more comfortable and looser. This phenomenon suggests that there was a decrease in the circumference of the treated area.

In aesthetics, the first studies appeared in 2005. To date, there are about eleven relevant scientific articles in the literature, which demonstrate the effectiveness of shock waves in improving the appearance and appearance of the skin, in addition to reducing the circumference of the treated area and decrease in the thickness of the adipose layer when used in the treatment of gynoid lipodystrophy (cellulitis).

In Brazil, there are several imported shock wave equipment available for health and aesthetic professionals, however the Thork Shock Wave is manufactured exclusively in Brazil, developed and manufactured by IBRAMED.

Unlike the shock wave equipment on the international market, which is usually pneumatic and has several applicators, this one has an electromagnetic generator. That is, inside the applicator, there are coils that, when excited by the electric current, generate a magnetic field, which causes the projectile located inside the applicator to move quickly, generating an impact on the tip and propagating mechanical energy in the place of treatment.

This energy wave produces two effects, the first being the mechanical impact on the tissues and the second being cavitation, which is the formation of gaseous microbubbles in biological liquids. The Thork Shock Wave features a radial applicator that consists of spreading energy in a diffused way.

These energy waves are converted into shots and for each therapeutic objective, there is a number of shots to be programmed into the equipment. In trauma-orthopedics, the number is already pre-established for about 2,000 punctual shots, but in the case of unsightly changes, there is no specific number, and most scientific articles cite from 1,000 to 5,000 shots, depending on the area of treatment with the applicator in slow motion.

Shockwave Mechanism of Action

The Thork ShockWave has an electromagnetic generator, that is, inside the applicator there are coils that when excited by the electric current generate a magnetic field, this causes the projectile located inside the applicator to move quickly generating impact on the tip and propagating mechanical energy. at the treatment site. This energy wave produces two effects, the first being the mechanical impact on the tissues and the second being cavitation, which is the formation of gaseous microbubbles in biological liquids. Thork ShockWave features a radial applicator that consists of diffusely propagating energy. These energy waves are converted into shots and for each therapeutic objective there is a number of shots to be programmed into the equipment. In the area of ​​trauma-orthopedics, the number of shots is usually in the range of 2 thousand punctual shots, but for unsightly alterations there is no specific number, and most scientific articles cite from 1 to 5 thousand shots, depending on the area. of treatment with the applicator in slow motion.

Shockwave therapy promotes the following physiological effects:

  • Mechanotransduction of the signal: is the process by which mechanoreceptor cells and parenchyma convert mechanical stimuli (shock waves) into a chemical response, activating fibroblasts and increasing the density of collagen and elastin fibers , due to the production of neocollagen and neoelastin;
  • Collagen remodeling: mechanical stress drives mechanotransduction, stimulating the remodeling of collagen fibers and fibroblasts. The traction of the collagen fibers of the skin incites the rearrangement, through the movement of the applicator, and improves the malleability of the collagen;
  • Stimulation of microcirculation: increased circulation reduces the concentration of vasoneuroactive substances such as bradykinin, prostaglandin, serotonin and histamine, which also reduces the excitation of nociceptors and pain. It also increases the active transport of oxygen and nutrients to the tissue;
  • Release of Nitric Oxide: Nitric oxide is an important vasodilator formed in the neurons of the posterior horn of the spinal cord, which promotes an inhibitory effect on the afferent nerve pathways of pain, causing pain modulation and of vasodilation to increase blood circulation;
  • Elimination of toxins and increase in lymphatic flow: activation of the lymphatic system, which accelerates the transport of metabolites from the extracellular matrix and causes lymphatic drainage to reduce edema and promote rapid tissue regeneration;
  • Release of growth factors VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor), eNOS (Synthesis of Endothelial Nitric Oxide) and BMPs (Bone Morphogenic Proteins): these factors aid in the healing of tendinopathies in tendinous insertions and stimulate the release of angiogenic factors and neovascularization, which improves local blood flow, accelerating the healing of tendons and bones;
  • Increased permeability of the cell membrane: this effect is due to the phenomenon of cavitation;
  • Adipose tissue reduction: through diagnostic ultrasound measurements and clinically observed by standardized photographs, the thickness of the hypodermic layer with shock waves is reduced.
Physiological effects

  • Mechanotransduction of the signal: is the process by which mechanoreceptor cells and parenchyma convert mechanical stimuli (shock waves) into a chemical response, activating fibroblasts and increasing the density of collagen and elastin fibers , due to the production of neocollagen and neoelastin;
  • Collagen remodeling: mechanical stress drives mechanotransduction, stimulating the remodeling of collagen fibers and fibroblasts. The traction of the collagen fibers of the skin incites the rearrangement, through the movement of the applicator, and improves the malleability of the collagen;
  • Stimulation of microcirculation: increased circulation reduces the concentration of vasoneuroactive substances such as bradykinin, prostaglandin, serotonin and histamine, which also reduces the excitation of nociceptors and pain. It also increases the active transport of oxygen and nutrients to the tissue;
  • Release of Nitric Oxide: Nitric oxide is an important vasodilator formed in the neurons of the posterior horn of the spinal cord, which promotes an inhibitory effect on the afferent nerve pathways of pain, causing pain modulation and of vasodilation to increase blood circulation;
  • Elimination of toxins and increase in lymphatic flow: activation of the lymphatic system, which accelerates the transport of metabolites from the extracellular matrix and causes lymphatic drainage to reduce edema and promote rapid tissue regeneration;
  • Release of growth factors VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor), eNOS (Synthesis of Endothelial Nitric Oxide) and BMPs (Bone Morphogenic Proteins): these factors aid in the healing of tendinopathies in tendinous insertions and stimulate the release of angiogenic factors and neovascularization, which improves local blood flow, accelerating the healing of tendons and bones;
  • Increased permeability of the cell membrane: this effect is due to the phenomenon of cavitation;
  • Adipose tissue reduction: through diagnostic ultrasound measurements and clinically observed by standardized photographs, the thickness of the hypodermic layer with shock waves is reduced.
Frequently Asked Questions

    • Do I need to use neutral gel to use Thork?
    • Yes, for proper use of the technique it is necessary to use the neutral lotion (which comes with the equipment) or the neutral gel as a contact medium.
    • How do I clean the tips?
    • After therapy, remove residue from the neutral lotion or conductive gel. To clean the applicator, use alcoholic chlorhexidine and dry with disposable paper towels. The tips can be cleaned with water and alcoholic chlorhexidine until the gel residues are completely removed and dry with a disposable paper towel.
    • Which tip do I use in my treatment?
    • The stainless steel (gold) tips have a deeper penetration into the tissue while the polyacetal (black) have a more superficial action. To choose the size of the tip, you must choose according to the treatment area.
    • How do I access the shot counter?
    • Press the Menu key. After that, select the TOTAL SHOTS softkey.
    • When do I use the silicone coating?
  • The coating is used to minimize sensory discomfort, such as in facial application.
  • Does Thork serve the area of rehabilitation?
  • Yes, the Thork is a radial electromagnetic shock wave device so it can be used in the area of rehabilitation and aesthetics. It features 25 pre-programmed protocols for rehabilitation and 9 for aesthetics.
  • Can I apply Thork to my face?
  • Yes, you can use it on the submentum and distal third of the face. You must apply it on the zygomatic arch and frontal region of the face.

Where can I find this product?