IV International Multidisciplinary Esthetics Meeting

Between 18 and 20 October, 2018 the 4th Edition of the IBRAMED International Multidisciplinary Esthetics Meeting took place, organized and hosted by the leading company in the market of medical devices for physical rehabilitation and esthetics in Latin America.  In a partnership with Mademoiselle Estética & Emagrecimento and sponsored by RMC Gel Clínico, Medicatriz Dermocosméticos and Rio Feiras Comerciais, the latter the company responsible for the publication Revista Negócio Estética and for the organization of esthetics events Estética IN SP, NE, RJ and Sul.

On October 18th, the pre-congress was an afternoon exclusively directed to the minicourse about Intimate area esthetics with lecturer Professor Mariana Gomes, technical coordinator of Medicatriz.

On October 19th, a Friday, the Congress began with a day dedicated to the following lectures:

  • Professor Dr. Sergio Rada – Bogotá/Colombia –with the theme: “Terapia combinada Heccus® (Heccus Combined Therapy) as part of the Método Sergio Rada® (Sergio Rada Method) en Colombia”;
  • Professor Specialist Renata Guidi – Amparo/SP – with the theme: “Ondas de choque: efeitos sinérgicos nos distúrbios estéticos corporais”; (Shockwave: synergic effects in body esthetics conditions)
  • Professor Dr. Cesar Vilella (Dr. Lipo™) – Florida/USA – with the theme: “V-SLIM LIPOSCULPTURE: State of the Art”;
  • Professor Specialist Mariana Gomes – São Paulo/SP – with the theme: “A cosmetologia aplicada tratamento global das áreas íntimas”; (Cosmetology applied to global treatment of intimate areas).
  • Professor Oscar Ronzio – Buenos Ayres/Argentina – with the theme: “MEP Beauty®: Microeletrólise percutânea nas disfunções estéticas”; (Percutaneous Micro Electrolysis in esthetic dysfunctions).
  • Esthetician and digital influencer Patricia Elias – São Paulo/SP – with the Talk Show: “Case de Sucesso: Patrícia Elias, o fenômeno da Estética no YouTube”; (A success case: Patrícia Elias, the internet phenomenon of Esthetics on Youtube).
  • Professor Dr. Richard Liebano – São Carlos/SP – with the theme: “Dor vs. analgesia nos procedimentos estéticos”; (Pain versus analgesia in esthetics procedures).
  • Professor Celso Martins Jr. – São Paulo/SP – with the theme: “O novo cenário e as novas projeções para o campo da Tricologia e da Terapia Capilar”. (The new scene and new projections for Trichology and Hair Therapy).

At the end of the lectures, still on the 19th, the event also presented the following scientific studies:

  • Professor Débora Modena – Amparo/SP – with the theme: “Efeito da fotobiomodulação no reparo da cicatricial no pós-operatório de cirurgia bariátrica”; (Effects of Biomodulation in scar repair in the postoperative of bariatric surgery).
  • Professor Specialist Marília Bueno – Mogi Guaçu/SP – with the theme: “Criolipólise de contraste: ensaio clínico, efetividade e segurança”; (Contrast Cryolipolysis: clinical trial, effectiveness and safety).
  • Professor Specialist Stephani Almeida – Amparo/SP – with the theme: “Carboxiterapia associada à corrente de alta voltagem, uma análise da eficácia no tratamento de estrias”; (Carboxytherapy associated with High Volt, an analysis of the efficiency in the treatment of stretch marks).
  • Professor Specialist Fabiele Chieregato – Amparo/SP – with the theme: “Efeitos da terapia vibro-oscilatório multidirecional no tratamento da celulite”. (Effects of multidirectional vibration oscillation in the treatment of cellulitis).

On the 20th, our schedule of lectures was as follows:

  • Professor Silvi Bonatti – São Paulo/SP – with the theme: “Técnicas pós lipoaspiração: o que e quando podemos aplicar?”; (Post-liposuction techniques: what and when to apply)
  • Professor Esteban Fortuny – Santiago/Chile – with the theme: “Tecnologias de tratamentos vs. toxina botulínica, preenchedores e fios de sustentação: até onde podemos atuar?”; (Technologies of treatments versus Botulinum toxin, Filling and Thread Lifting: how far can we go?).
  • Professor Specialist Felipe Abrahão – São Paulo/SP –with the theme: “Excelência em gestão de clínicas de estética: mais com menos!”; (Excellence in the management of esthetics clinics: more with less!).
  • Professor Specialist Michelle Meleck | Specialist Alex Campos –Retro Hair Barbershop SP – São Paulo/SP, with the theme: “Marketing e tecnologias em barbearia e estética masculina”; (Marketing and technologies in male barbering and esthetics).
  • Professor Dr Estela Sant’Ana – Amparo/SP – with the theme: “Terapia por luz: fotobiomodulação no rejuvenescimento facial”; (Light therapy: photobiomodulation in facial rejuvenation).
  • Professor Specialist Karina Francis – São Paulo/SP – with the theme: “Empreendedorismo e posicionamento autêntico”; (Entrepreneurship and authentic positioning).
  • Professor Specialist Aline Brito – Fortaleza/CE – with the theme: “Microagulhamento e associações: os segredos dos melhores resultados”; (Microneedling and its associations: the secrets of the best results).
  • Professor Esteban Fortuny – Santiago/Chile – with the theme: Ultrassom microfocalizado em estética facial; (Microfocused Ultrasound in facial esthetics).
  • Professor Specialist Gustavo Galves – São Paulo/SP – with the theme: “Peeling elétrico: técnicas de tratamento e resultados clínicos”; (Electric Peeling: treatment techniques and clinical results).
  • Professor Specialist Carla Leone – São Paulo/SP – with the theme: “Desmistificando assuntos da Estética: como obter resultados baseados em evidências científicas”. (Demystifying Esthetics matters: how to obtain results based on scientific evidence).

The IBRAMED Meeting has already been acknowledged in the field due to the scientific basis that the company strongly incentives and promotes at each lecture, carefully chosen alongside the president of the event, who, in this edition, was Professor Dr. Richard Liebano. In the Esthetics market, which has been growing exponentially, updating and knowledge of managerial aspects are more than necessary, and guarantee a differential for every professional who invests in their career or business and dreams big.

The #FamiliaIbramed (Ibramed Family) heartily thanks each and every client, student in the esthetics field and participant of our event. Planning and organizing an event is an arduous task, but, without a doubt, absolutely fulfilling. Everything was planned and through so that you could expand your critical and clinical experience. Our warmest thanks!

IBRAMED. The formula of well-being.